Fukushima: How to move a mountain of radioactive soil – BBC News

Fukushima: How to move a mountain of radioactive soil – BBC News

The operators of the badly damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan say they have achieved another milestone in making the plant safe.
Remotely controlled machinery has begun removing 88 tonnes of spent nuclear fuel from the heavily damaged number three reactors at the plant. During the 2011 disaster at Fukushima, a huge hydrogen explosion ripped through reactor building 3, destroying most of the building’s outer structure.
Inside, the reactor core had begun to melt down, and radiation levels inside were so high, no humans could go near.
Now eight years later, our Tokyo correspondent Rupert Wingfield-Hayes is one of the first foreign journalists to be taken inside the damaged reactor three to see the progress that has been made.

Source: BCC News – link Video youtube


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